Wednesday, March 31, 2010

For Christ's Sake!

How often do you hear people say that!?!?
Most people dont even realise that what they are saying is blasphemous!!! Commandment # 3... Do NOT use the Lords name in vain!
Its simple... yet, you still hear people.. even CHRISTIANS say it!
Its a sin. Fullstop.

Two weeks ago i went to my Grandpas sister in-laws funeral, where i saw people that i havent seen since i was 2 years old.
My Dad would introduce me to them and they would look at me.... pause... then say... Jesus!!! You have changed so much!

I just looked at them, concerned and said, "no, I'm Sean, but I'm tryin to be like Jesus!

If you hear someone blaspheme... tell them and make them aware that it IS a sin!

In leaving you i will say.... For Christ Sake... be humble... obedient... faithful... loving and always strive to be Holy!

Much grace,

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